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Author: forum lat
I know, we can't all live on a farm, but there are places where you can get fresh produce and farm raised meat that has been humanly raised, never given antibiotics or hormones and fed only vegetarian feed. This is the way we need to feed our bodies, the natural, healthy way. Check out meat online for farmers and ranchers that raise livestock the traditional way. Not only are these ranches and farm sustainable and environmentally friendly but they taste the very best! You don't have to settle for the meat in the grocery store that comes from unhealthy feed lots, cows injected with antibiotics and hormones which has been proven to contain all sorts of health problems for both animal and human.
I would love to raise my boys on a farm. A large vegetable garden out back with fruit trees in front. A cow or pig wandering around and a horse to ride in the afternoon. That is lovely daydream that will never be, unfortunately. If I can't raise the produce and meat myself I want to buy it from someone else's farm with free range cattle that are well taken care of. Doesn't it make sense that the cattle that is raised on ranges, not shot full of hormones in a feed lot of would taste much better? It does, try it for yourself. Compare a stores bought tomatoes and a home grown one and you will see what I mean. Farm fresh is better. It's too bad we all can't live on a farm.

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